Devon Studio Trials

On 7th March 2020, the Forces in Translation team headed off to Devon for our first set of studio trials.  The group for these trials was Stephanie Bunn, Ricardo Nemirovsky, Mary Crabb, Geraldine Jones,...

Conversations with Materials

We invite you to our first Forces in Translation public event at the University of St Andrews, 15th-17th April, in the Bell Pettigrew Museum, 10.30-4.00pm daily.

Plaiting Conversation with Mary Crabb

2nd December 2019 Dear Stephanie, Hillary, Geraldine and Ricardo I’m sending you a few images and short films of some 3D plaits that I have woven and one that I can’t work out how...

Tinkering with Curves

Open invitation to take part in Tinkering with Curves at the Byre Theatre, University of St Andrews, 17th April 2018, 10am-1pm.