Conversations with Materials

We invite you to our first Forces in Translation public event at the University of St Andrews, 15th-17th April, in the Bell Pettigrew Museum, 10.30-4.00pm daily.

Forces in Translation is a Royal Society Apex funded project, exploring the interface between basketry, mathematics and anthropology. It is a collaboration between Dr Stephanie Bunn of the University of St Andrews, Professor Ricardo Nemirovsky of Manchester Metropolitan University, Professor Cathrine Hasse of the University of Aarhus, and basket-makers Hilary Burns, Geraldine Jones, and Mary Crabb. We are holding practical public mathematical basketry events during 2020 and 2021 at Universities in St Andrews, Manchester and Copenhagen.

Event 1 will be held in the 19th century Bell Pettigrew Natural History Museum at the University of St Andrews, home of the Darcy Thompson Collection.

In event no 1, our focus is on movement, making, mathematics and materials in the practical action of basketmaking. We will be exploring this through the themes Conversations with Materials and How to Lift a Plait.

There are 30 places available. We will reserve places on a first-come basis. There is no charge. Lunch, teas and coffees will be provided.

Contact Stephanie Bunn to secure a place.

Maker Joanna Gilmour will also be working with us for one day during this event

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